
Directed By
Jeremy Thomas-Bøgsted
Written By
Harold Pinter
June 2014
Emilie Bendix and Rasmus Rhode
• Teaterøen, Copenhagen
• AACT Festival (USA)

Pop music is the glue that binds our contemporary western culture, across nationalities, religions, and physical limitations. It is our common reference in our otherwise separate and individual worlds. Through pop music we see our hopes and dreams idealized, we feel uplifted by catchy tunes or recognize our pain expressed in ways that help us to forget. Through pop music we idealize our struggle for success, so that if we fail we at least land amongst the stars. POP! is a ‘Theatre Concert’, a term first coined in 1994, as a Danish concept combining theatre and music into a new artistic expression. POP! takes on the favorite songs from the top of the pop charts to reflect on love and what it means to be human in the modern world. Through quirky compositions and a lot of creative license, we follow two people’s search for meaning and along the way uncover the truth of a generation. POP! performed for the first time at Teaterøen, Copenhagen under the CPH Stage Festival. From there, it toured to WorldFest 2014 in Venice, Florida, USA, where it was awarded a total of 4 awards: “Best Performance Art,” “Outstanding Innovation in Design,” and “Best Musical Performance” for both Emilie Bendix and Rasmus Rhode.

Scenograph: Emilie Bendix

Composer: Matilde Böcher

Choreographer: Mille Gori Light

Designer: Martin Brad

Sound Designer: Morten Frank

Stage Manager: Pernille Rosa Thomsen

Language: Performed in English

Producer: Black Box Pangea with the support from Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg

POP! “sublime”, “stunning”, and a “mesmerizing musical romance”

Jay Handelman • Herald Tribune • June 19, 2014

“The performance that grabbed me and has yet to let go was “POP!”, “POP! was edgy and made me simultaneously feel uncomfortable and exhilarated” and that she was “left breathless”.

Blogger Nanettesnewlife

POP!, “really stood out to me amongst all the shows I had seen… This show took me on a journey, and it also took all the other audience members on a separate journey, different and unique for each person.”

Blogger Kim Gaesser